Day 8 :: Exploring the Fire Element: Passion and Vitality


“Of all fires, love is the only inexhaustible one.” — Pablo Neruda

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The fire element is one of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and all elements exist simultaneously as an interplay of energies. We can see the form of the elements all around us, but working with the energies of the elements within us can help unlock helpful qualities to realign with and to feel greater harmony and peace.

Passion, vitality, expansion, alivenesss, drive, engagement

The fire element relates to qualities of passion, vitality and aliveness. It is about what we love and want. Connecting to this element helps bring expansion, and is related to strength. It fuels initiating important goals or projects and appreciates the various possibilities.

Begin exploring this element in your own experience:

What allows vitality and passion in your experience? How can the fire element ignite what is essential? Be open to the appreciation and warmth of this element. How can you let the vibrant energy of the fire element impact your life? How do you experience it in a balanced state?

Take some time to connect to the fire element. This may include spending time in a sunny spot outdoors, or in front of a fire place where you can be with the natural element. Connect with and appreciate the fire element.

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Learn more about Balance and Healing Through the 5 Elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth : 5 Zoom Sessions with Nicole Koch.