Day 5 :: Exploring the Water Element: Flow and Adaptability


“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. ” — Jon Kabat-Zinn

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The water element is one of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and all elements exist simultaneously as an interplay of energies. We can see the form of the elements all around us, but working with the energies of the elements within us can help unlock helpful qualities to realign with and to feel greater harmony and peace.

Calmness, adaptability, ease, flow, clarity, cohesion, okness

The water element relates to qualities of flow, adaptability and allowing. Finding the ease and flow of the water element is helpful to shift into a mindset of non-judgmental perceiving. This clarifies what is optimizing your life and how to transform areas that are challenging.

Begin exploring this element in your own experience:

What allows flow and ease in your experience? Begin relating to the flow and allowing of this element. What supports this element in your life? How can you invite the transformative clarity of the water element?  

This may be a good day to bring the water element into your life situation. Spent some time near the ocean, or river or maybe lake and stay connected to the water element. Invite the quality of calmness, flow and ease.

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Learn more about Balance and Healing Through the 5 Elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth : 5 Zoom Sessions with Nicole Koch.