Day 14 :: Exploring the Space Element: Openness and Spaciousness


“Unencumbered by our definitions we experience ourselves as conscious intelligence aware of itself as open, endless space.” — Gangaji


The space element is one of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and all elements exist simultaneously as an interplay of energies. We can see the form of the elements all around us, but working with the energies of the elements within us can help unlock helpful qualities to realign with and to feel greater harmony and peace.

Openness, spaciousness, all-inclusive, all-encompassing, emptiness, boundless, vastness

The space element relates to qualities of vastness, openness and emptiness. It has limitless potential. The space element is fundamental in that it is what all the other elements arise from. It is the subtlest of the elements and the energy of space is inclusive, and accommodating to whatever arises in the experience of the moment. Spaciousness is the sacred element that brings balance into all the elements.

Begin exploring this element in your own experience:

What allows space and openness in your experience? How do you relate to the fundamental quality of space? Connect to the emptiness of the space element and explore it. Can you allow accomodating whatever you experience?

Find a way to connect to the space element today. Spent somewhere where you can perceive the vastness of the sky, where it is spacious and open. Find the limitlessness of this element.

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Learn more about Balance and Healing Through the 5 Elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth : 5 Zoom Sessions with Nicole Koch.